In honor of Valentines weekend, I thought I would share a poem I wrote a few years back. It is a compilation, inspired by many people that I love. I read it again this weekend and felt really grateful. 
How I love you.
I love you in sudden bursts that come upon me mysteriously.
Your ghost passing through.

Today I loved you as I made a salad
in your big yellow mixing bowl.

How I love you.
I love you in starts and stops.

But fully always.

You are my hero and sometimes a stranger.
So familiar yet so foreign.

Today I love you with practicality,

the only language that you speak.

How I love you.

I love you because you’ve taught me what home is.

I love you as my chosen family.

My greatest teacher.

My closest confidant.

I love you as my own heart.

You’ve ruined me for others

with your wisdom and grace,

wildness and vulnerability.

Today I love you in a lax dinner

tomorrow in an enlightening brunch.

In between bites of wonder, joy, pain and regret.

I love you in the sweet dessert

of being seen and heard.

How I love you.

I love you in the echoes of yesteryear bouncing off the walls of today.

Today I love you as I listen to you postulate.
The same words in a different decade.

How I love you.

I love you in your mystery and courage.

A Picasso of shattered pieces, forming a whole.

Today I love your softness that you feel you need to protect.

How I love you.

I love you like a baby bird and an eagle.

With gentleness and awe.

The dichotomies.

We are opposites, you and I.


Today I love you in my frustration and adoration.

How I love you.

I love you in a way that can’t be quantified.

A shared history.  A part of me.

Your sardonic wit, masking pain.

Bringing light unbeknownst to yourself.

Today I love you in your son’s laughter.

How I love you.

I love you in strained ways.

Compassion and anger are a humbling combination.

And then I release.  I release.

And am flooded.

Doing the best you can.

Doing the best I can.

Today I love you in your cologne and squeezes.

How I love you.

I love you for your sacrifices.

For diving in.

Today I love you as an unlikely role model.

How I love you.

I love you in our shared school of surrender.

A sugarcube in hot water.

Bit by bit dropping off

tragically and beautifully

until all that is left
is sweetness.
2/17/2016 09:46:04 am

love, love, love!!!


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